Für Bewegungsfreiheit & selbstbestimmte Entwicklung!

29.11.2012 | Demo in Bittefeld

Dieser Bericht der Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg zur Demo in Bitterfeld ist nur auf englisch verfügbar. Der Aufruf ist unter Deklarationen dokumentiert

Relative to
our call and press declaration of refugee’s self-organizations “Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg, the Voice Refugee Forum and The Caravan for the right of refugees and migrants, we, refugees from Wittenberg, Friedersdorf and Marke including others from different local government of Sachsen-Anhalt strongly shared one opinion to denounce the responsible authorities on behalf of the treatments of refugees in Bitterfeld.

Almost more
than 100 participant and sympathizers were present during the demonstration showing their support and solidarity towards injustice from different part of Germany Sachsen-Anhalt, Berlin, Bremen etc.

We refugees
and our supporters together called for the closure of the isolated Lagers of Friedersdorf and Marke and to decentralized all of us refugees to private houses, and to stop the use of our presence as refugee to make money without putting in consideration our lives and future perspectives, to abolish the resident obligation and stop

We are
always vigilant watching how the responsible authorities are treating us!

We will
demonstrate and manifest again if……….

to all refugees in repression!


E-mail: fluchtlingsinitiativewittenberg@yahoo.com
Web: refugeeinitiativewittenberg.blogspot.com