Newspaper about the Caravan

On the 24th of December a four page newspaper about the caravan was attached to the daily left-liberal newspaper “taz” in Germany. The translation of the articles one can find here – togehter with a pdf-version of the newspaper itself.
Trailer of the Caravan
In this trailer (french with english subtitles activists of Afrique-Europe-Interact (somt from Africa, some from Europe) are telling why they are participating in Caravane. Enjoy wachting it!
Bamako-Dakar Caravan – The First Sketch...
From February 6th to 11th, 2011 the 11th World Social Forum will take place in Dakar, the Senegalese capital. This is why from mid-January bus and car caravans will start their journey to Dakar from several places in Africa.
Comments about the caravan from activists from Mali (Video)

At the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of the “Malian Association of Deportees” (AME) in Bamako on 23 & 24 October this year, several Malian activists gave short statements explaining why their groups are participating in the Bamako-Dakar caravan.
short presentation of the caravane on Bamabara (video)

In the everyday communication in numerous countries in Africa mainly african respective local languages are spoken – and this is only partly due to the fact, that many people have learned not more than the essentials of the former colonial languages. In Mali, for example, most people speak bambara.
short presentation of the caravane on Wolof (video)

In the everyday communication in numerous countries in Africa mainly african respective local languages are spoken – and this is only partly due to the fact, that many people have learned not more than the essentials of the former colonial languages. In Senegal, for example, wolof is the most used language.
Visit of european delegation in Mali (photo gallery)

In June 2010 already, the “Malian Association of Deportees” (AME) invited the European part of Afrique-Europe-Interact to come and participate in their Annual General Meeting in Bamako on 23 & 24 October with a small delegation.