The war of the EU against refugees (Information tour 2010)
Lecture and discussion with Ousmane Diarra und Allasane Dicko from Bamako/Mali – Members of the Malian Association of Deportees (AME)
There has been a lot of reporting about control of migration, desert camps or deportation during the the last years. Rightly, since from 2006 on more than ten thousand persons fell victim to the war against refugees at the external borders of the EU. Less frequently however it was referred to the situation of those refugees and migrants, who are deported from Europe. The „Malian Association of Deportees (AME)“ which is amongst others supported by the NGO „medico international“ from Frankfort, is one of the few grass root organizations in Western Africa which supports deported persons practically and politically: their members look after deportees who arrive at the airport of Bamako or at the Algerian-Malian border needing medical aid, emergency accommodation or legal support. A further key activity of the AME are public relations, political campaigns and actions in the streets – also in cooperation with regional and European grass root initiatives and NGO. Ousmane Diarra and Allesane Dicko from the AME are coming in the end of May for a two-week-round tour to Germany. The cause is the Karawane-festival going under the slogan „United against colonial injustice – in memory of the dead of the fortress Europe“ happening in Jena from the 4th to th 6th of June. In their lecture Ousmane Diarra and Allesane Dicko are reporting from the work of the AME, amongst other things about the practical importance of migration for a poor country as Mali. Following that there will be time for questions and discussions.
The presentation tour is organized by NoLager Bremen & transact! – in cooperation with medico international, Pro Asyl and local organizations:
28. Mai: Hamburg, 19:30 Uhr – Werkstatt 3. Organisiert von: Flüchtlingsrat Hamburg und NoLager Hamburg
29. Mai: Besuch der Erstaufnahmestelle (ZAST) von Hamburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Horst-Boizenburg/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
29. Mai: Hamburg – Teilnahme an den Gegenaktivitäten von „Jugendliche ohne Grenzen“ anlässlich der Innenministerkonferenz (IMK) in Hamburg
30. Mai: Rendsburg, 11 Uhr – Volkshochschule. Organisiert von: Flüchtlingsrat Schlewig-Holstein, Bündnis gegen Abschiebeknast Rendsburg und N.N
31. Mai: Parchim, Besuch des Flüchtlingslagers Parchim/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
31. Mai: Rostock, Ort & Zeit werden noch bekannt gegeben. Organisiert von: Antirassistische Initiative Rostock
1. Juni: Oldenburg, 20 Uhr – Alhambra. Organisiert von: Antira-Plenum Oldenburg-Blankenburg
3. bis 6. Juni: Teilnahme am Karawane-Festival in Jena
7. Juni: Flüchtlingslager Möhlau, 12 Uhr – Treffen und Pressetermin mit BewohnerInnen
7. Juni: Magdeburg, 19 Uhr – Eine-Welt-Haus Magdeburg. Organisiert von: medico international und Mobile Beratung für Opfer rechter Gewalt in Sachsen-Anhalt (MOB)
9. Juni: Hannover, 20 Uhr – UJZ Kornstr. Veranstaltung im Rahmen des “festival contre le racisme”. Organisiert von: Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen und lokalen antirassistischen Gruppen