More Information about Choucha
Please note: In the german and french version of this website one can also find videos, articles and information about the situation in Choucha and the struggles of the people having to live in this camp. In addition, we want to refer to the following four websites which also inform about Choucha:
Solidarity with Fighting Refugees in Choucha/Tunisia This webiste has been installed on occasion of the refugee protests in the end of january 2013. It informs mainly in english about the newest developments.
Facebook Choucha-Solidarity. Numerous pictures, videos and short reports about the protests in the end of january 2013 you can also find on the facebook solidarity website (mailnly in english, french and arabic).
Voice of Choucha website is for the most part designed by people who are themselves affected by the situation; mainly in english (including links to videos in different languages).
Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration Because this blog is very crowded (mainly in german, but also in french and english), it is useful to give the keyword 'Choucha' into the search machine or to choose 'Tunesia' from the selectable categories. It should also be mentioned that in this blog numerous press articles are documented from last year, not least from the francophone and anglophone press.