For Freedom of Movement & Fair Development!

Ebola: Information-Video for the broad population

*Please watch the video directly on youtube

Filmmakers at WeOwnTV and the Sierra Leone Film Council have produced a series of short video public service announcements (PSA's) for wide distribution on local television and radio to help sensitize the country about the current Ebola disease epidemic. We are seeking $10,000 to duplicate and distribute DVDs and VCDs, translate the films into 8 local languages as well as 2 international languages, and air the films daily on Sign Africa billboards and via other non traditional outlets.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

Sierra Leone is experiencing an historic outbreak of the Ebola virus. The disease has no known treatment nor cure, and can be fatal within days or weeks. The disease has spread through Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria. There have been over 1300 deaths as of mid-August, and 12 out of 13 districts in Sierra Leone are now affected by Ebola. There is misinformation and distrust in Sierra Leone, causing people not to get treated and allowing the disease to spread more widely.

How will this project solve this problem?

As filmmakers and storytellers we feel we have an important role to play as misinformation and distrust is causing people not to get treated and allowing the disease to spread more widely. Our objectives are to raise awareness within both rural and urban population across communities in Sierra Leone on the Ebola virus symptoms, prevention and care for Ebola survivors. We are currently working to produce videos and radio pieces in eight local and two international languages (English and French).

Potential Long Term Impact

This project will help establish trust between the community with health and government officials Grassroots level work like this works in countries like Sierra Leone as it provides an authentic voice critical to be able to avoid future health issues. not only equipped to respond to tragic events, but also help build a healthy media sector, democracy and economy and aspire beyond reacting to tragedy.