03.03.2014 | Emerging from crisis, Mali braces for hunger
As Mali slowly emerges from its 2012 political crisis and the Islamist insurgency in the north, the new government and its partners are focusing on long-term development. But aid groups warn that there are humanitarian needs that must be addressed immediately, particularly ensuring more food aid gets to extremely vulnerable communities in the north. Read more
03.03.2014 | Ceuta: Summary of conversations with migrants about the 6th of February
In the early morning of the 6th of February in Castillago/Fnideq, next to the border of Ceuta, a group of 400 migrants, mostly Camerounese, achieved to swim around the fence which seperates Ceuta from Morocco and entered into Spanish water, though they were being attacked by Moroccan police. The Guardia Civil attacked the migrants when they arrived at the brigde in front of the gate to Ceuta, at a point where they were still in Morocco. The Guardia Civil also had a small boat with a Spanish flag from which they were pumping teargas into the water, hitting the people with sticks and driving over the people who were swimming. Read more
21.02.2014 | New brochure: How is your liberation bound up with mine?
On the occasion of the no border lasts forever-conference in Frankfurt the initiative “transact” has put together a 40-pages brochure with the title „How is your liberation bound up with mine“ about mixed Organizing-Processes (refugees/non-refugees, migrants/non-migrants etc), the Power of Definition (in cases of violence and discrimination among the activists themselves) and Critical Whiteness. The initiative “transact” is carried by activists who are active amongst others with Afrique-Europe-Interact and Welcome to Europe. The brochure is availabe in german, english and french and can be ordered for the cost of postage; or it can be downloaded from the web page of transact:
4th of November 2013 | Big demonstration supports Lampedusa Hamburg
In one of the biggest antiracist demonstrations Germany has ever seen 15.000 people have supported on Saturday the struggle of the Lampedusa-refugees in Hamburg. The transnational call for this demonstration can be read here. Pictures of this demonstration can be found on the Website of Umbruch Bildarchiv
31 October 2013 | Niger migrants found dead in Sahara desert
The bodies of 92 people, almost all women and children, have been found in the Sahara desert. They died of thirst after their vehicle broke down during an attempt to reach Algeria from impoverished west African country Niger. An aid worker at the scene in Niger – the vast, landlocked country that straddles the desert between north and sub-Saharan Africa – told the Guardian that the scene was traumatic as rescuers discovered the bodies scattered in small groups around the desert. More
7. October 2013 | Mouderous Europe (Statement of migreurop)
The new shipwreck of a boat coming from Libya in which at least 300 out of the 500 passengers perished or disappeared very near to the island of Lampedusa, was not caused by fate. In 2010, in the same place, two simultaneous shipwrecks resulted in close to 400 victims. More
04. Oktober 2013 | Reaction to the deaths in the Mediterranean Sea
As reaction to the recent deaths of hundreds of refugees italian activists and human rights organisations have written an appeal for the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the European right of asylum. It can be read and signed here
26.09.2013 | No Solution for Lampedusa Refugees in Hamburg until now
We worked and lived in Libya, a country on our African continent that gave us the possibility of a secure existence. We never had the intention to come to Europe. Because of the NATO-intervention, officially for the „protection of the civil population“, the war escalated and we lost everything. Many people lost their lives. Some of us were sent with overcrowded boats over the Mediterranean. This is how we got to Lampedusa. Many died in the Mediterranean. In Italy we lived under severe conditions until we received the refugee status. Afterwards there was nothing for us and Italy prompted us to go to other European countries. Now we are France, Switzerland, Germany and other European countries living on the streets without means or rights. We are around 300 survivors of the war in Libya here in Hamburg. We united and demand a political solution. More Information on german and english
23. September 2013 | Court hearing against Mbolo Yufanyi
On 26th of September 2013 a court hearing against Mbolo Yufanyi of the Voice Refugee Forum will be opened because he has participated on 15th of October 2012 in Berlin in the protests against the collaboration of the Nigerian embassy with the german state in cases of deportations. More informations can be found in the following video
15. August 2013 | Refugee-Tribunal in Berlin
In June a tribunal took place in Berlin themed „United against colonial injustice“ which had been to a great extent organized by the „Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants“. Several activists from Afrique-Europe-Interact have spoken at the tribunal, among them Emmanuel Mbolela (Amsterdam/Ex-Morocco), Emmanuel Gatoni (Berlin/Ex-Choucha) and Romeo N’Tamag from the ARACEM from Mali. In the meanwhile the inputs of those three can be watched on the youtube channel of the tribunal (french/english/german).
15. Juni 2013 | Video-Interviews with deportees in Togo and Nigeria
Hans-Georg-Eberl from Afrique-Europe-Interact and the filmmaker Aylin Basaran have travelled in mai to Togo and Nigeria, in order to document witness statements of people, who had been deported or urged to so-called voluntary return from Germany and Austria. In the meantime a separate film has been produced, whereas some interviews can also be watched as youtube-videos (english, french, some with german subtitles): Togo I Togo II ; Nigeria