For Freedom of Movement & Fair Development!

Association Togolaise des Expulsés (ATE) – the Togolese Association of the Deported

Les expulsé(e)s ne sont pas oublie(e)s! The deported people are not forgotten!

By Gerit Boekbinder

Togo: Flight, migration and deportation
Migration and flight are an important part of life for many people in Togo. The past 20 years there were several great waves of flight. Many Togolese people in opposition were forced to save themselves after the downturn of the mass revolts against the regime of military dictator Eyadéma. The last of such waves of flights was in 2005 after the actual president Faure Gnassingbé had taken the power from his dead father Eyadéma inspite of mass uprises and international protests. At the same time, like other countries of francophone West Africa, the economic crisis and lack of perspectives increased from the early 90ies caused by the devaluation of the CFA Franc forced by European currency policy.